Logan is ONE! {Baby’s First year portraits,GA}

I can’t believe my little friend Logan is already turning one! I’ve had so much fun documenting him and his sweet parents through out this year! Looking over all his portrait sessions just makes my heart smile! It’s amazing to see just how much he has grown! Being a mommy to rapidly growing bebes myself, I can’t express how special it feels to have been able to capture his adorable spunk for his family, as well provide images they can cherish while looking back over his many first year milestones! Happy Birthday little man! MUAH xoxoxo

Alpharetta Photographer

1 year child portraits downtown Norcross GA

2 thoughts on “Logan is ONE! {Baby’s First year portraits,GA}

  1. My nephew is pretty adorable if I do say so. Those good looks run in the family! You have done a wonderful job capturing these moments.
    Ron Balick (Proud Uncle)

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