Love Family l Lifestyle Family Photography l Alpharetta, GA

I mentioned the Loves were my neighbors when I posted their sneak peak not too long ago on Facebook. We love having them as neighbors! As you will be able to see below, they are just simply a sweet family! Adam and Caitlin are adorable and my kiddos absolutely love hanging out with them! They can play for hours and for us parents, well, that is just awesome!!! However, nobody likes the Loves more than our dog, Scarlett! She knows she’s not suppose to leave the yard (let alone run across the street) but with her tail wagging as fast as it can at the site of the family, she sticks it between her legs (still wagging) and darts across the street. We are the crazy people saying “no Scarlett, come here!!” It has never worked, not even once! She can’t help herself and the end result is-she gets her daily dose of Love family lovin! 🙂 I hope you enjoy this session just has much as I enjoyed documenting this family in downtown Crabapple!!!!